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Cover: Cromwell - Burning Banners


Burning Banners

SKAN 8204.AR

Homepage of the band

With their debut album Burning Banners CROMWELL finally release the long awaited successor to the very successful demo tape Nor King Nor Country from 1994. Some songs from that tape have been added to the CD again since they have become favourites in the band's live shows. As the demo is no longer available, this will satisfy the continuous demand from new fans for tracks like the powerful instrumental Cromwell or How Long. Needless to mention that all tracks have been re-arranged and re-recorded in order to present them in an state-of-the-art sound quality.

In early 1993, the five musicians, who felt a strong compassion for ambitious progressive music, met in Worms to make their dreams come true - with a clear vision in mind. They were determined to reach - and to excel the artistic quality of what popular Prog bands of that time were playing. Also influenced by the ancient history of the city Worms they started to write songs that initially still took some pattern from their idols. Their first live gig turned out to be a huge - though unexpected - success; and it encouraged the band to further follow the path they had chosen. New songs were born, gradually uncovering the band's own identity.

In contrast to most other bands of the Progressive Scene, CROMWELL is headed by a strong female voice - Anke Taeffner's vocals fit perfectly to the group's characteristic sound of Thor Stone's elegiac guitar and Wolfgang Taeffner's melancholy keyboards. Completed by Josh on bass and Eric Trauzettel on drums the 'CROMWELL Sound Trademark' has been born.

Burning Banners is a well-balanced mixture of powerful songs, ballads and instrumentals. Every track tells its own story, for instance about war times in The Battle Of Marston Moor, or about the destruction of love in The Crow, inspired by the famous horror movie. Counterpoints to these heart-stirring stories are love songs like the ballad England which expresses the band's adoration for the country.

The mystical and passionate atmosphere of the album is illustrated by the medieval artwork elements in the booklet as well as through the cover painting The Dark Ages by Rainer Kalwitz. Face the Dragon - and follow us into CROMWELL's world of Burning Banners!


  • Anke Taeffner: Vocals
  • Wolfgang Taeffner: Keyboard
  • Thor Stone: Guitar
  • Josh: Bass and Acoustic Guitar
  • Eric Trauzettel: Drums

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